
Welcome to the California State University, Dominguez Hills Software Center

Office 365 is available to current faculty, staff, and students for free via MyCSUDH.

This new free offering replaces your "work at home" software.

The Microsoft Home Use Agreement under the Microsoft Home Use Program will end on 2017-12-31 9:00 PM. Microsoft products will not be available through this site after that time.

This is CSUDH's software distribution website, powered by Kivuto Solutions Inc., which allows faculty, staff, and students to download their "work at home" licensed versions of Adobe Creative Cloud at drastically reduced prices.

Please note that the pricing provided on this site is made available exclusively through an agreement between California State University, Dominguez Hills and these select software publishers.

This software is meant for personal use only and should be downloaded and installed on your personal machine, not a school owned machine.

FACULTY/STAFF NOTE: OLLI and Emeritus are NOT eligible for software due to the terms of the license agreement.

For end user support, please contact us by phone at 1 888 396 1447 (0600 - 1800 EST) or via email at support@kivuto.com 24 hrs.

Please click on the Start Shopping link below to proceed.